
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fake Drinking in Costa Rica

We just got back from a wonderful long weekend in beautiful Costa Rica. Not technically a babymoon, we went to Costa Rica to attend a wedding with friends, including my BFF.   As you may recall, I am only approaching 6 weeks and hadn't yet told anyone I was pregnant.  However, I knew that the minute I would see her in Costa Rica she would insist on getting beers, pina coladas, bloody marys etc.  So I decided to tell her beforehand so that she wouldn't be surprised, and also, so that she could help me fake-drink throughout the weekend.  Here is our text exchange of my BFF telling me the photo of me holding my friend's baby was cute and why weren't we pregnant was followed by a facetime call complete with my BFF breaking down and crying.

Followed by a picture of us in Costa Rica together.

My BFF and me :)

Success!  I didn't grab a beers from the cooler on the beach during day drinking, but I really don't think anyone noticed.

Day drinking on the beach

As for the rehearsal dinner I luckily binged on delicious and fresh virgin pina coladas all night.
Rehearsal Dinner on a cliff overlooking ocean

Fake drinking during the wedding was a bit more difficult since every table had its own bottle of Vodka for frequent shots (it was a Ukrainian/Latvian wedding after all).

But my BFF, her hubby and mine somehow kept my shotglass filled with water so I was able to join in all the festivities.

I would also like to point out that I stayed up both nights as late as the other guests, dancing all night long.
Hubby and BFF dancing in the wee hours

I am really tired this week, as my 6th week of pregnancy kicks off, but am happy I partied like a rockstar on recovery last weekend.  Here is baby Mac's first picture abroad, still in utero.  It looks like my hubby is pregnant with my hand on his belly instead of the other way around, LOL!
Baby Mac's first trip abroad, 6 weeks in utero. 
And now here are some other pictures of the beautiful beach and wedding.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Bringing Back Beatrice

An avid baby name fan (I've been updating my list for over ten years) the first thing I did after my confirmed pregnancy result was buy a baby names book.   There were a lot of choices of books named along the lines of, "50k names," "75k names"  "100k names" -- you get my drift.  However I am a huge fan of classic yet preferably underused names, so I know those exhaustive volumes would be a waste of my time.  The title of this book however was dead on, as Beatrice is already one of my favorite names (nn: Bea, Bay, Trixie).

I have about a dozen girls names in the running and about half a dozen boys names.  I am not sure how secretive I'll be with them.  I am much more of a person that likes to discuss and analyze the names to oblivion until I have a clear winner.  So its likely I'll be sharing the names with family and close friends for reactions or more discussion.  However, those who know me well will also know I will stick to my guns with my instincts, even if the name is not their favorite.

I've been very pleased with a few baby names websites I recently discovered that are much more qualitative than quantitative and have a lot of great info and advice.

Nameberry Blog - Really great blog posts types of names literally performing analysis on social security listing from around the globe letting you know for instance names that are in the top 500 now and 50 years ago, or names in the US 500 that are in the top 100 in other countries (leading one to believe they are classic, yet underused here, which is my preference).  TONS of good information and an overall exhaustive site on baby names in general with good forums.

Swistle Blog - Really great advice given to parents on the verge of naming their children but just not sure which way to go.

Legit Babe Names - Their sub-header reads "Names that are not made up and have a history,"  which is important to me, because I'd like to translate the name to Polish, yet its mostly saintly names and names that are not made up that I'd be able to do that with. Plus, I just like classic names with history.  Furthermore, I am not sure if the author of the blog is Polish or not but they have quite a few blog posts dissecting recent Polish newspaper baby announcements which is a huge plus to know whats hot back in the homeland.

Kalabarians Philosophy - Ok, this may all be hocus pocus, but this philosophy claims that energies associated with your name create your personality, your likes and dislikes, ideals, etc.  At first I thought it was ridiculous, until I looked up all the close people to its scarily accurate.  Although this won't influence my name search too much, I can't say I am not going to look up potential baby names here for confirmation of a good name.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bursting at the Seams

I'm four weeks pregnant and no doctor will see me until 6-8 weeks.  I want to share the news with some very important people in my life and have literally been bursting at the seams.  Hubby and I agreed to keep it our little secret until the first doctor's appointment to make sure things are moving along well.   It should be easy to keep it secret as most of my VIPs are not in Houston.  However, I've been bursting at the seams this week holding back from telling anyone, but I am not sure I can wait much longer.  Here are some of my recent conversations:

Check out this text exchange last night with my best friend.  I was going to leave the Costa Rica wedding early to make the Ghana trip, but as you know I had to cancel the Ghana trip, so was letting my best friend know.  I alluded to some big news, but clearly was too esoteric for her to pick up.  I just want to tell her!

Check out this exchange with my sister a few days ago after Downton Abbey aired.  I just wanted to say, "Just wait for mine, because he/she is coming in 9 months)! But left it at, "Just wait for mine."

Last Thursday was the last time I had a glass of wine, accompanied by some wonderful charcuterie with my good friend in D.C.
No more salami or wine  for a long time :/
I've been wanting to text her all week letting her know that was my last glass of wine for a year.

Or just yesterday, I went to visit my friend and her one day old son at the hospital.  I was asking specific questions about the doctor and hospital wondering if I should follow suit, and my friend exclaimed that she would share all the details once I was pregnant.... I just wanted to shout it out right then!

And my mother, oh boy.  I feel like I've been avoiding her because I am afraid I'll spill the beans.   I know once my mama knows, everyone will know, so I'm trying to hold off a few more days.

On the opposite note, I actually have told one person other than hubby and doctor I was pregnant.  I told one of my superiors at work today as I was informing her I couldn't participate in the Africa trip, and was slightly surprised at some resistance and regret.  It even made me reconsider whether I should go, but then I shook back to reality. If anything did happen, I would never forgive myself for making the wrong choice.  But I have a feeling I'll become even more entrenched in this work-life balance, working mom issue.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

And So the Sacrifices Begin

I'm pregnant, its confirmed!  This time, five days late, my pregnancy result was much darker and readable, wiping out any misinterpretation.  I'm pregnant woo hoo!

And so it begins, children complicating lives.

I've had a work trip to Ghana, Africa planned for Feb 21-March 8th.  For me, this is nothing out of the ordinary, as I've traveled to Ghana around ten times in the last few years for work.  This trip in particular was a bit different and would be a highlight of my career: lots of high level, important meetings with press and pomp and circumstance!  Even after my first positive pregnancy test, I made flight reservations and confirmed my participation.  I vowed I was not going to let Baby Mac prevent me from my first passion: travel.

Until I talked to my doctor.  Although its to early to come in for my first prenatal visit (I have that scheduled in a few weeks), she warned me that pregnant woman are not allowed to take Malaria prophylaxis (preventive pills), especially in the first trimester.  Moreover, I am not allowed to take malaria treatment drugs if I get malaria.  I'd be putting my baby at risk.  Moreover, I may experience severe morning sickness during the weeks I am there.  Well, I might love to travel and my job but I am not stupid.  Discussion over, there is no way I can go on this trip.   Malaria is a real threat in Ghana, and even if I took precautions there is no guarantee I wouldn't get it.  And so it begins, my first sacrifice (well other than not drinking wine the past week):  cancelled travel. (Although I did predict this would happen, which is why hubby and I have made an effort to travel to exotic places B.C. before children).  This might also mean the end of my premier platinum status....(seriously big sigh).

Don't get too excited and point your fingers at me exclaiming "I told you so!"  I have another trip planned in two weeks to Costa Rica for a friends wedding, and as far as I know, there is no Malaria there.  So that will be baby Mac's first trip, at only 6 weeks in utero.  I told you so!  Travel is in this baby's blood, so they better get used to it early.

Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I'm Pregnant! (I think)

In true Kash fashion, I did my research.  After hubby and I decided it was time to start "trying" December 2012,  I added the Pinkpad app to my iphone and ordered a months worth of ovulation tests. Days after my first period in January 2013, I started testing my urine twice a day....just to make sure I could see my body was working in the right away.  By day 7 after my period, voila, my ovulation hormone spiked--in other words, I was at my most fertile time.

When the left line is as dark as the right (test) line, your body is most fertile for 24-48  hours.
A week later I went to DC, and felt slightly "off" a day or two.  I credited it with the cold weather, something I hadn't felt since I moved to Houston!  I flew back home on the day of my scheduled but missed period.  Hubby invited me for dinner at a Mexican restaurant with delicious margaritas so before we went out, I took a pregnancy test to see if I could drink one.  Low and behold, the result was a VERY faint positive test result!  No margaritas for me that night.

After reading some fertility blogs, I learned that even the faintest positive line is indication you are likely pregnant, as the hormone detected by these tests is only produced by pregnancy hormones.  I learned to test again in a few days where it should be a more clear dark positive result, so hope to do that soon.  Until then, I'm pregnant, I think!

According to the due date calculator, baby Mac's due date is Oct 23rd, we are thrilled!

So I celebrated, and bought baby Mac his/her first book:

I've signed it and added a message to baby Mac about finding out I was pregnant today.  They'll probably think I'm nuts, but better they learn how I am sooner rather than later.

Feeling SO very blessed and EXTREMELY excited about this next adventure in our lives.

(This website will not be shared with anyone until later weeks of our pregnancy.  In the meantime, I would like to document whats happening for preserving our family history).

For my previous blogs of when I lived near Timbuktu in Africa or planned my Chicago wedding, click on the preceding hyperlinks.