
Friday, November 15, 2013

Happy One Month, My Dear Son!

1 month
This last month has literally been a roller coaster of emotions: from high, to low, to high, to indifferent, to high, etc.  I'm happy to report that today, at one month old, I feel like I am FINALLY getting the swing of things and head over heels in love with my little boy.  I am learning to respond to my sweet son's cries and whimpers and also teaching him to adapt to our family.  The last month has definitely been a blur, as everyone warned me it would, but surprisingly its gone by super fast.  We've had a flurry of visitors including his babcia (grandma), my aunt and his aunt (my sister) -- all who have taught invaluable lessons on dealing with a baby.   I love my little man with my heart and soul and feel like he is the best baby we could possibly have.  I love EVERY little thing about him.  I can't wait to get to know him even better.  I can't imagine ever having to stop smothering him with kisses.  It will still be okay to do that when he is 30 right?

1 week

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks