
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Happy 2 Months!

I thought I would be one of those mothers who document every "new" activity.  However, what I didn't realize is that with a little one, coupled with breastfeeding, I have NO time to do anything optional.  Any downtime the past few weeks (meaning Hank's nap time) has been used paying bills, insurance analysis, Christmas shopping, naptime of my own, etc.

However, there was a marked change in little Hank this past week, and it made my heart melt and break that I wasn't documenting it all.  So from now on I will make an effort to post more updates.

A lot of friends told me that things change around 6 weeks.  Indeed, I saw Hank becoming more alert, cooing more, able to lift his head better.  However at about 8 weeks - he became a little person.  He was doing all of the stuff I mentioned ALL the time, not just in snippets.  His little voice is so sweet and lately he seems to be talking all the time.  Amongst the cute singsongsy coos, he also grunts a lot of beefy man grunts.  I wonder if girls do the same?  He also now really SEES me, daddy, and his mobile toys.  He makes eye contact and smiles and laughs when you talk back to him.  Its simply heart melting.  The past two months have been worth it!

Maybe one of the best developments for this tired mama, is that his latch/breastfeeding has become much more effective.  The first month or two, I literally fed him for over an hour every two hours.  However, as of a week or so, he is only nursing 15-30 minutes and can go atleast 2.5/3 hours now as well.  Woo hoo, party time!  Also, in the past, the only things that would calm him down were burping, farting, feeding and sleeping.  However, now he usually just wants to be held.  He can last a long time without being fussy if you just hold him and walk around with him.  He is interested in the world!