
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Decreased Fetal Movement

Baby Mac has taken after his parents in one aspect throughout most of the pregnancy: he can't sit still.  He is always moving around, kicking, sucking is thumb, shaking his head -- which is very reassuring for me.  Its the sign of a healthy baby.  In the last few weeks of pregnancy however, the baby starts running out of room, and sometimes oxygen.  Pregnant women are told to monitor these kicks more frequently and consistently.  In my case, because my amniotic fluid has been consistently low and because of our two vessel cord, my doctor has stressed that should I feel any decreased fetal movement, or any sort of change in pattern of his movements, that I should notify her immediately. 

So yesterday, after a good 10 hours of not feeling ANY movement, I knew it was time to give her a call.  I did everything she told me to do beforehand: drank gallons of cold juice, ate, changed positions and laid in a dark room on my side waiting to feel and monitor kicks -- all to no avail.   I finally called worried, and she asked me to come to the hospital, again, to get the stress test done.  And so that's how my hubby and I spent our last Saturday night without baby, back at the hospital.  You win baby Mac, you are the boss.

After an hour or so of monitoring, it turned out baby Mac was just as healthy as ever, but that since my fluid is lower, its possibly I am not feeling the kicks as much.  Its still not low enough to deliver though, so we are hoping he hangs in tight and stays in utero until Friday - his scheduled C Section date.

On a positive note, since we were only in the hospital a couple of hours, we were able to salvage part of last weekend night together, and managed to go to dinner and a movie after the hospital, Captain Phillips (which was excellent).  We figured if we are going to hire a sitter, we'd rather go out somewhere with friends, so most likely it would be a while since we saw a movie in the theaters after the baby comes. 

So it begins, our last week child-free.  It is seriously terrifying.  I am savoring every last minute of sleep I get, every moment of silence I have, and every movement of freedom I feel.  D-Day is fast approaching.

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